A blissful day with Nature

Hello beautiful people of Hive.
I hope you are doing great and having a wonderful day.

I too have a great day so today I just want to surf on the waves of my thoughts. So let's surf together through this article....

Nature,an amazing creation of our mighty Creator where only peace, solace, joys prevails.
Each moment spent in nature gives a glimpse of different flavour without making us bored or dusky.

My day was kinda promiscuous until I made up my crazy mind for a sudden adventure in a nearby woods just to make my day better and bright that I had at that time.
This was one of the best decision I have ever made.

There were so many things in the woods which deserve my admiration but yet my chaotic mind got attracted to some little but beautiful fungus.
It was raining before I went there so the moist soil, stinky air, splashy ground was enough to make me feel dizzy and unhappy but the sweet aroma of damp soil was their to protect me.


After a very very long time I enjoyed the real happiness, the peace.
The nature has something different, hidden gems to make us feel positive and bright beyond a human creature can imagine.
Maybe the fungus, I shot and admired was completely pale from the surrounding beauty yet a different kind of beauty and charm in them was enough to make me bewildered and flabbergasted.

Just like the different creations of nature, we, the human are too different from each other.
I don't understand why we compare with each other when there is literally nothing which is same.
We all have different talent, different likes and dislikes so in this way we all are amazing.

I agree that there are lots of people who has more fame, more money, more beauty than us but there are also lots of people who don't have a flawless skin, enough money to eat, enough place to make them feel secure, this is the rule of our life we want or not we have accept it.


We need to realise there is a beauty in every flaws because our flaws , our imperfections makes us who we are.
The moment we start adoring and accepting ourself instead of comparing with each other, that is the exact moment we will start growing and glowing.
So don't hide the flawed you, the craziness, the imperfections, the unique ness, the magic you have inside you.
People will judge you for everything.
People will try to mould you into their own mould.
People will try to make you insecure but deep down you know your real worth, your true identity.
Don't allow anyone to snatch away all the uniqueness and magic you are carrying for years.
Remember, no one is perfect in this imperfect world and the moment you will accept it you will realise how special you are.


I spent two or three hours there but did not try ruin the sanity I was gaining at that time by taking pictures after pictures.
I chose myself over technology today.



In the end, I just want to say
Let your believe be bigger than your fears, your insecurities.
Don't forget that you exist too and you need yourself more than anyone else.
Don't forget to give yourself the love you deserve.
You are amazing and doing great whatever you are doing now.
So whatever the people says just let them, you know your real worth so this is enough, hundred times enough.

All photos are mine and belongs to me.
This article is an original

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