The Piano Man

I recently headed down to London, not entirely, but somewhat on the pretense of a business trip. I'd love to get into something media related, or photography based, or just something creative, and the company I work for has a division that does this (based in London) and were exhibiting at a media show. So with my bosses permission in the genuine hope of networking I headed down. I also had my camera with me.

After a good hour of walking around and saying hello and meeting with the 2 guys on our media stand, I headed back to Kings Cross (On a very rainy day) in the hope of heading out to shoot. However inspiration didn't grab me! I wanted to go to Tower bridge but the tube wasn't straight forward and I admit I was nervous about getting lost. The weather was awful too, but I had hours to kill.

I did get some good shots at the Graffiti tunnel but I didn't want to stray too far. Kings Cross was good for some shots, but my mojo kicked in across the street at St Pancras. I wandered and got shots of the station and people and the big clock there as well as some nice restaurant signs but my biggest draw was a young guy playing the piano. Its a thing in St Pancras and I'm sure celebrities like Gary Barlow have done it.

The guy in question though was fantastic and had a growing crowd around him, he could play and sing! It was like being in an impromptu flash mob, or a scene from the Kids from Fame! (80's reference there!)






It was a genuinely happy moment on a very rainy Wednesday in London

Whilst walking on the upper floor too I managed to get the next shot, it was a different guy to the one above and coincidentally drew no crowd at all, but I just loved the angle, and the different levels it showed with the stairs. I want to say M.C Escher-esque but I might have my references mixed up there..


And finally some random St Pancras shots to help set the mood..







As a photographer I try to mix what I do in my shots, I've done still life, some macro work, lightpainting and I enjoy a good model shoot. If you'd like to check out any of my other work I'm on Facebook, or you can find me on Instagram under neilru75

For more great Light Art Photography, Light Painting and inspiration check these light painters: @fastchrisuk @marlasinger666 @fadetoblack @dawnoner @oddballgraphics @martbarras @stepko @rod.evans.visual @yo-hoho @maxpateau @gunnarheilmann @maximepateau @ryuslightworks @lightstabeu

Thanks very much for looking

Kind Regards, Neil

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