Farm and Family: A Day in Our Rural Paradise

Hello Hive Family. I hope you all are healthy.

Friends, there is nothing to write today, so today I am sharing with all of you my daily routine and some pictures taken by me, which I have taken with sony a58 18-55 mm and I have edited them on Snapseed.

My mother wakes up at five in the morning because we do animal husbandry along with gardening. In the morning my mother feeds the cow and chickens and milks the cow. I wake up at six in the morning and do yoga for half an hour and protect the cherries from birds. Also, I water the flowers planted in the courtyard. After that I go to the hotel in the nearby market with milk. And till then my mother prepares breakfast. After coming back from the market, we all have breakfast together.

After having breakfast, we go to the apple orchards. There is green grass in these apple orchards. Which we bring for fodder for the animals. Which takes us time. After bringing fodder from the apple orchards, we have lunch and rest for some time as the sun is hot.

In the evening, I make tea and let my chickens out to peck grains. My mother again goes to bring green grass from the apple orchards. After I feed the chickens for two hours, I lock them in the coop and then I go for a walk in the garden.

Disclaimer: This post is originally written in Hindi by me and I have taken the help of Google Translate to translate it into English.

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