A forest and two more birds for my collection

Strolling through the forest that is my neighbourhood, discovering new visitors from the feathered kingdom, how wonderful! And if it's after the rain so I can enjoy this and many other pleasures, all the better.

I was on a high since I took my morning shower and tried on my new outfit for the sighting activities. Then came another high. Maybe it was from so much chocolate ice cream. Anyway, I went out. Ready to have an unforgettable experience, I lingered just in front of the house with a nice vine... suddenly I heard the knock-knock. A dry sound. I said to myself: That has to be a woodpecker.

Indeed it was. There were two of them.

I looked for the best angle, shot two or three times, excited, oh, but I have to learn to control this! I almost didn't get the picture right, do you want me to tell you why? Ah, well, it's simple: the bread seller passed by, the kids next door came out screaming and scared the woodpeckers away from me. 😑

That's what I was telling my sister earlier today in a video call. That's what life is, my dear, you go out to the corner and everything is happening, but you can't see it in detail, every single thing, because you only focus on what interests you. And well... this part of the unforeseen events, the truth is that I didn't tell her.

In short, we have to be prepared. We have to act, and act well. Because unforeseen events (those screaming children, for example) can come at any time and make your life a talcum powder.

Jabara woodpecker / Carpintero jabao (Melanerpes superciliaris)

Nevertheless, I was happy. I barely walked and I already had a decent photo, or so I thought. Then I saw in the distance, in the undergrowth two... animals that at first did not interest me, but right next to them another feathered one caught my attention.

Heron Cattle Egret / Garza ganadera (Bubulcus ibis)

It was really quite an exciting experience. Hahaha... if I can say so, because I got close to those two things that usually ram. And is that to take the picture I have to concentrate on the viewfinder, but here neither that... I was concentrated also on those monsters and also prepared in case I had to run.

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I'm a carefree, easy-going guy
This is art, almost impressionism

Enough of the mystery. Look over here.

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There were two, but I better show this one as if it were one from the past and one from the present. 😅

I love the wet and cool forest. I was enjoying it so much... and the head full of shrews. Well, this is normal. There is nothing new under the sun in this regard. But I can tell you that the forest was too cozy and smelly and I didn't mind getting muddy, if I was wearing my super rubber boots for the bird watching activity.

Actually... no more birds for today.

Let's concentrate on the forest.


No, definitely no one grows corn in the forest.


Yucca? No. Neither.


Where was I?


I admired the basil in bloom. I would fade away with the promise of a dream of sleepyheads?

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An abandoned cabin.


Well locked... so I couldn't do urban exploration as it would be an act of vandalism. If it was locked, it was not abandoned.


Sometimes things are abandoned even if they don't look it. Nonsense.


But sometimes we find people like that, like this wood. Resisting in spite of everything.

The forest was beginning to speak loudly. It was showing me how important it is to believe in yourself, and to flow.


We are so fragile and yet so strong.


These little ones get scared if you touch them too hard... it's a reminder that we are not all the same, and yet, we are beautiful and perfect beings in our individuality. Understanding this is already an act of self-love.


Look how much beauty in a path of thorns. I had to go in there to discover that despite the scratches I received, there was a lot of fragility too.


The other thing that I found in the forest was evidence of something very, 😝 very interesting. But I think I'm making a collection and it will come at the right time and in the right way.


Finally back home and seeing this singing scene always overwhelms me with love.

I want to ask you something:

Have you been aware today of all the beauty around you?


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