Appreciating my surroundings more


I think today I spent more time just relaxing and watching the sunset than I did flying the drone around trying to take pictures, though returning home I noticed I had quite a few different images despite flying within such a small location. Today was a day where venturing out into the countryside wasn't really to take photographs, but just to get out of the house and enjoy the fresh air. I don't think I have appreciated the countryside enough over the years, especially as more of it is lost to endless housing developments. Villages and rural areas seem larger and more connected, definitely not as quite as they used to. Though getting out far away from the roads surrounded me with near silence. The wind rolling up and down the hills and blowing the trees around, and the occasional helicopter could be heard. But just standing out in the middle of nowhere, I could feel much of the stress I had building up over the day disappearing.

Despite the realisation over the past week that I should really invest in some better gloves as to stop my hands from freezing over as I fly the drone, I really just stood at the top of a field that overlooked the hills and watched as the sun began its decline for the day. It began to throw out really beautiful colours and very strong streaks of light that disappeared outward. I did capture a photograph of it with the drone, which is the first image I used in the post. Due to the poor dynamic range of the DJI Mini 2 I couldn't really get photographs of the sunset before; the sun had to reach a point in which it fell behind clouds, removing much of the harsh light that the camera couldn't really handle. I still tried to make it work and find ways of taking images during this time. Even going as far as taking one of myself, figuring it was something I hadn't really done before. Nor have I ever really posted anything featuring myself.

Again today I saw deer in the distance in the same field as me, moving slowly to the next field. Given they were already on the move I figured I'd try to capture a photograph of them, but I think the drone spooked them a little. I try to avoid bothering any nearby nature whenever I'm flying the drone around given the noise it makes, so I think that was a little lesson to be had. Shortly after it was when I decided to just set the drone down and just watch the sunset. Leaving it on the ground and still ready to be thrown back into the sky in the event that there were better colours to capture, or if I just really felt like flying a bit more for the fun of it. That didn't happen though.

Being out and just not really doing anything but appreciating the surroundings also revived a bit of interest in travelling again. Something I haven't really been doing for a while. I felt that itch to get out and explore and just relax, escape all the annoyances of modern life.

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