A pink colored night - Winter, cold but yet Warm - Photowalk

When the cold sets in and snowflakes gracefully descend, there's a magical quality to the experience, evoking a warm feeling within. It's noteworthy that despite the common association of snowfall with freezing temperatures, the actual sensation often doesn't align with the perceived coldness—provided one is appropriately dressed, of course.

Consider the rarity of this phenomenon; snow is something only accessible to individuals in specific regions. Surprisingly, an estimated 46% of the global population has never witnessed, felt, or experienced the enchantment of snowfall. Living in a climate with four distinct seasons grants us the privilege of encountering all the unique facets of weather.

With that in mind, here's a glimpse of my Mexican friend encountering snow for the very first time. Captured with a mobile phone, these photos have been enhanced using one of my most distinctive presets, crafted by me specifically for such extraordinary occasions.






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