Costume Hunt / Carnival of Vigo, Spain🎭🎊

The carnivals of Vigo have just ended and the last day I could make a tour of the center to see the costume contest, I understand that this event is held every year and is highly anticipated by the little ones of the house and the big ones too.

There were costumes of different themes and movie characters. I just wanted to watch the event for a while but seeing so many flashy costumes I couldn't help taking out my cell phone and asking some of the contestants to stop for a moment to take a picture, in fact there were many people taking pictures so I took the opportunity to take my shots too.

This was a good occasion for the whole family group to compete, there were contestants that even had their dogs in the competition.

I liked a lot of costumes but the ones that caught my attention the most were these two that are below this paragraph. I don't know how these people managed to cover themselves with soda cans, I imagine it was hard work but it was worth it, during the whole event they didn't drop a single can and they made sudden movements and spun around, they made all the cans rattle with their movements.

Los carnavales de Vigo acaban de finalizar y el último día pude hacer un recorrido por el centro para ver el concurso de disfraces, tengo entendido que este evento lo hacen todos los años y es muy esperado por los pequeños de la casa y los grandes también.

Habían disfraces de diferentes temas y de personajes de películas. Yo solo quería ver un rato el evento pero al ver tantos disfraces llamativos no pude evitar sacar mi celular y pedirles a algunos de los concursantes que se detuvieran un momento para una foto, de echo había mucha gente tomando fotos así que aprovechaba para yo también hacer mis disparos.

Esta era una buena ocasión para que todo el grupo familiar concursara, habían concursantes que hasta a sus perros los metían en la competencia.

Me gustaron muchos disfraces pero los que más llamaron mi atención fueron estos dos que están debajo de este párrafo. No se como hicieron estas personas para forrarse de latas de refrescos, me imagino que fue un trabajo arduo pero que valió la pena, durante todo el evento no se les cayó ni una lata y eso que hacían movimientos bruscos y daban vueltas, hacían sonar todas las latas con sus movimientos.



Let's take a look at all the ones I was able to capture with my cell phone camera.












I think this one below is the cutest costume, don't you? 😍


Of course, pets also had their place both as contestants and as part of the audience.


After the presentation of the costumes, a musical group was presented to cheer up the audience and the next day they would announce the winners of the contest, unfortunately I could not find out who won, there was nothing about it on the web, I hope the costumes made of cans won.

Luego de la presentación de los disfraces, se presentó un grupo musical para animar al público y al día siguiente es que anunciarían los ganadores del concurso, lamentablemente no me pude informar quienes ganaron, no había nada referente en la web, espero que hayan ganado los disfraces hechos de latas.




That's all folks, I hope you liked it and thank you so much for taking the time to stop by my blog and for commenting. See you soon!


Note: all photos are taken by me with my cell phone and edited in Photoshop.

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