The ruins, the trees, the walking path and the milky-way.

Hello my fellow HIveian and photo lover.

I’m exited by this new week that starts today. A all new range of possibilities, experiences and learning ready for the taken.

And first on the list is to share some photos I took.

This ones, are a mixture of ruins, landscape and cityscape due to the ruins. I might trow in an urban wildlife.

It’s from a walking apace I lke to go and have shared some images. it has a few abandoned ruins in the middle. For these one, I’ll keep my recent philosophy and share only of one place.

Guess there sin’t much else to say this time, so let’s get down to the photos:

This first is maybe my favourite one… with a bit of artistic interpretation…

Cool no? Also keeping with the very simple style of photos here is an extremely simple one. But I must say I do like it quite a bit. It’s the street in front of the ruin. It leads to another interesting place. I might share it some day.

Next, one from the inside. I’m going there to shoot much of the inside. But I think this one is cool for now:

It’s a super rustic house no? I do wonder what it was and when it was built… long ago… of that I’m sure.

One could not, let the one go without a Black and White:

Here is one of the bridge in front of it. I like bridges… not sure why. But the photo above, was taken from the bridge.

One more of those:

And I+ll end with a bonus of a cat in the night … I came across it while coming back home.

Have a great week!

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