More Tampere Shots


This was taken on Pispala esker on Sunday evening. Lake Pyhäjärvi is on the southern side of the esker. I was standing on the highest point of the esker.


This view is to the southeast.


The house on the left is a typical example of the old wooden houses in Pispala. It's about a hundred years old. Pispala used to be a working class district before running water. It's been gentrifying for many decades now. The lake you can see a glimpse of is Lake Näsijärvi on the north.




Lake Pyhäjärvi again


A partially burnt house. I wonder if the owner will be allowed to have it torn down now. IIRC, there is a ban on tearing down old buildings. If it could be freely done, this district would be a developer's paradise because of the high demand owing to the proximity of the city center, the overall high growth rate of the population in the city, and the views. I could be wrong about the ban. But I've seen some buildings in very bad condition, possibly waiting to be declared a hazard and thus condemned.


Further down the southern slope. Pispala has a lot of character and history. It saw heavy fighting in the Finnish Civil War in the spring of 1918 when the Whites (the government forces) approached it from the west and the north and took it from the Reds.

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