She have a really cool Bratz style - Studio Photography

Greetings to all my friends in the beautiful Photography Lovers community, I hope you have an excellent day.

Today I want to share with you a new photo shoot that I did in my photography studio, this time for a model girl who brought a very cool style outfit to the studio, according to her the outfit was inspired by the Bratz girls and it looked great on her!

I started by taking a couple of full-body shots of her standing up, as I normally do, I keep my distance while people get comfortable:

The girl is a model so I didn't have to guide her in the poses during the photo shoot, and that's what makes everything easier because the girl was changing poses with each click of the camera and we managed to take a lot of photos!

I showed her the photos we had taken so far and she loved them, then I wanted to take some photos a little closer, in a medium plane:

And then I took a close-up shot of her:

When I showed her the photo she liked it but told me that she didn't feel so comfortable with that type of close-up shot so I didn't take any more photos like that, she told me that she liked the photos a little further away and well, I adapt to people's tastes so that's what we did.

To continue the photo shoot, the girl put on a beret that she had brought to complement her outfit and she looked super cute!

And then the girl proceeded to crouch down to vary the poses:

In the end, both the girl and I were super happy with the results obtained, I hope you like the photos as much as we do!


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