Beyond Stereotypes - a Female Motorcycle taxi driver

Hello beautiful Photography Lovers community, I hope you are have a excellent week, my best wishes to all of you.

Today I am going to share with you a series of portrait photos that I took as part of my dynamic where I approach strangers and ask them if I can take them photos.

This girl caught my attention because she works as a motorcycle taxi driver, a job where it is very common to see men but we almost never see women working in this job, so I decided to approach her and ask her if she would like to participate in the dynamic and she said yes.

I started by taking a couple of photos of her sitting on the motorcycle, first in a general shot and then I got closer and closer:

I explained to her why she had caught my attention, and she replied that she had begun working this job a year or two ago out of necessity. She went on to say that she has been quite successful and that she has a lot of female clients because women generally feel comfortable and safe riding with her.

After a while, she asked me to capture a shot of her wearing her helmet, a protective gear that is essential for her work.

I couldn't resist capturing a close-up portrait of her as well. This type of shot is one of my favorites.

I showed her the pics, and she was like, "OMG, I love them!" She was so stoked that she let down her hair and asked for more shots. And let me tell you, those were some seriously cute pics!

To add some variety to the photoshoot, I asked her to step off the motorcycle and I took a few shots of her leaning against it. These ended up being my absolute favorites!

Shooting these photos with this woman was a truly rewarding experience. She conveyed a powerful message to me, reminding us that we should not be bound by societal stereotypes or gender norms when it comes to our careers. What truly matters is the determination to work hard and pursue our dreams, regardless of the challenges we may face.

I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I do!

Thank you for viewing!


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