Moon Pie


Something extraordinary happened today. Seeing the moon and the sun at the same time is quite a rarity where I live now. But today, I saw it on my way to the gym. I was honestly afraid that I would miss that awesome moment where I could see the moon before dusk. No, I mean not just seeing it but also capturing it in my camera. I could never pass up the opportunity of such an awesome moment. I was about to halt my going to the gym but I ended up going and took the picture after. Unfortunately, the moon was already quite high and the sun was about to hide. I think it was around 5pm and there were a lot of motorbikes passing by. Thankfully, they didn’t hit me while I kept looking up. Now that I think about it, I should have gone to the balcony or the rooftop because it was so visible and the sky was crystal clear. The moon looks very different from different settings. I normally zoom in to get the clearest shape of it. However, today I also tried taking it with another object around it. Well, it didn’t turn out quite as I expected but I’ll just have to do it better next time. I know, gear is also a problem but for now, I can only do with what I have. Hopefully, in the future I’ll acquire new gear and capture these better.

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