A beautiful quirk

This will be my entry to the POBPhotocontest contest launched by @friendlymoose with the theme BLUE


Esta será mi entrada al concurso POBPhotocontest lanzado por @friendlymoose con el tema BLUE

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I decided to present my puppies which very appropriately fit the theme of the week, this one here and the one on the cover photo is Dakota, she is the second of the litter, they are two months old and she is from white and her pair of light brown ears and as we can see she has beautiful blue eyes, she is the most mischievous of the four, she is always nibbling on anything including her sisters and her mother.



Decidí presentar a mis cachorritas las cuales muy oportunamente se adecuan al tema de la semana, esta de aquí y la de la foto de portada es Dakota, ella es la segunda de la camada, tienen dos meses de edad y es de color blanco y su par de orejas color marrón claro y como podemos observar tiene un hermoso color azul de ojos, es la mas traviesa de las cuatro, siempre anda mordisqueando cualquier cosa incluyendo a sus hermanas y a su madre.

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The next to appear is Alaska she is the oldest of the litter and has a calmer character, although she is the one who puts the rest of her sisters in order, she is completely white and her little nose is stained and she also inherited the blue eyes of his father.



La siguiente en aparecer es Alaska ella es la mayor de la camada y tiene un carácter mas tranquilo, aunque es la que pone en orden al resto de sus hermanas, ella es completamente blanca y su naricilla esta manchada y tambien heredó los ojos azules de su padre.

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The third is Galleta she is smaller, the third of the litter, but do not be fooled because although she is small she is the fiercest of the four, she is white with brown spots and something extremely characteristic about her is that presents partial and complete heterochromia, that's right; in one eye she is half blue and half green and in the other she is all blue...a very beautiful and rare feature.



La tercera es Galleta ella es mas pequeña, la tercera de la camada, pero no se dejen engañar ya que aunque es pequeña es la mas fiera de las cuatro, ella es blanca con manchas marrones y algo extremadamente característico en ella es que presenta heterocromia parcial y completa, así es; en un ojo tiene la mitad azul y la mitad verde y en el otro todo es de color azul... una muy bella y rara característica.

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And last but not least, she is bella she is the youngest of the four sisters, she is the living portrait of her mother, she is brown with some white spots and her beautiful eyes are green, I don't know why , since his mother has light brown eyes.



Y por ultimo aunque no menos importante es bella ella si es la menor de las cuatro hermanas, ella es el vivo retrato de su madre es de color marrón con algunas manchas blancas y sus bellos ojos son verdes, desconozco el por qué, ya que su madre tiene ojos cafe claros.

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