Rainy Day

First let me say hello 👋 and hope you have a nice day.
A little about my day.
Sun, heat, summer is not really my time. I prefer autumn or spring.
After a long time of heat, it finally cooled down a bit and a little rainy weather arrived.
Is there anything better than the rain with a book, movie or maybe just lying down and listening to the rain?
I love that weather and the entry of cold and fresh air into the house.
After it rained all day today, it stopped and it's time to take the camera and go to the garden.
A ray of sunshine appeared here and there, the right time for a couple of new pictures.
And let's go to action.

When you get out, stand on the grass and already see your first picture for this post.

Then I noticed this beautiful rose full of raindrops.

White flower and green leaves, a wonderful combination.

How many drops did you count? 😁

Leaf that look refreshed and recovered after so much heat. Beautiful green color.

The sun's rays appeared for a short time, just at the moment of taking the picture, maybe only for a few seconds.

Here is the spider private pool. I didn't find him, but I think he will cool down a bit now.

Since it started raining again, I went inside, but I noticed another rose that will enjoy the rain now.

Entered the house all wet, dried myself and changed my clothes.
and what now?
Let me share it with you, but of course a cup of coffee first.
Open all windows and let fresh air in.
Hope you like my rainy day as much as I do.
What's the weather like in your place?
Do you like more days like this or the heat, maybe winter? 😊

The pictures are mine and were taken in my little garden behind the house.

I wish you a pleasant rest of the day.

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