Hi all 👋🏻

Today I want to share with you my walk around the FAIRY BRIDGES 🧚🏻‍♀️ and show you some TULLAN STRAND 🌊 views ~ VIDEO INCLUDED 🎥


With this post I’m joining in at the Wednesday Walk challenge and Make me Smile challenge. That are hosted by @tattoodjay and @elizacheng every week on Wednesday.

‼️Have a look: Here in the Wednesday Walk Community if you want to join in!… the community is run by @tattoodjay.
Look at his last #Wednesdaywalk post here:
Wednesday Walk a moody morning at Fort Taber
It will tell you also the rules of joining at the Wednesday walk posts 😁 come join us! It is fun!

Today’s selection will be of 26 PHOTOGRAPHS and 1 VIDEO
Date: 10 SEPTEMBER 2023.
The Photographs and video in this post are all taken with my iPhone 📱🤓
I will follow the time stamps on them. So it looks like you are experiencing my adventures on this #walk, to 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 #discover everything what I saw, like the little #details seen through my eyes and observe with me the #WALK around the #FAIRYBRIDGES 🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️ the #natural #blowholes and the #stunning #views around this area. A little slice of county Donegal in #ireland 🇮🇪 😊

The location of the FAIRYBRIDGES AND TULLAN STRAND you can find on the following screenshot of Google maps with the yellow star ⭐️ :

Zooming out we get the following screenshot from Google map :

Some information about the Fairy Bridges you find in the following websites:
Fairy bridges and wishing chair and Discover Bundoran

It gives us some information about them and I will highlight part of it here for your convenience;

Due to the peculiar rock formations in the area, a series of natural “blow” or “puffing” holes exist (and still do to this day) which causes the sea water, when tidal conditions dictate, to crash through and blow water upwards. It is believed that as far back as the 1700s locals thought these to be haunted by the fairies with the result of the name “The Fairy Bridges”.

Read a bit more up on it… it’s interesting to know 🤓

Without further ado 😎 let’s gooooooooooo and check out this MAGICAL PLACE now, are you coming along 😉

We first reach the following Tourist information sign:

The view over the grass field is stunning as it just shows us a little bit of the #dunes and #beach hidden behind it 😎

Walking along the path we see this WILD ATLANTIC WAY SIGN

Closer view… it marks TULLAN STRAND 🌊

Next to it we find this sign about the FAIRY BRIDGES 🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️ and the WISHING CHAIR 🪑

A detail shot of the drawing that depicts the ‘fairy troops’

The sign states;

Legends of the rocks
Two rocks on the beach are puffing holes.
When the tide is right, the sea crashes through, blowing water upwards.
The Fairy Bridges
Centuries ago people believed that fairies haunted the rocks and that the boom of the waves was the sound of fairy guns. Holidaymakers flocked to visit the Bridges and sent postcards home.
The Wishing Chair
Famous people from poets to surfers have sat in the Wishing Chair. The tradition is to approach it carefully not to disturb its powers and then to sit down slowly holding on to both 'arms'. Make a silent wish, keep it private and it might come true.

Looking towards the left closer to the edge of the #cliffs we see…

Looking over towards TULLAN STRAND

Parts of the cliffs

As we wandered further… not that far along we reach the fairy bridges 🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️ I capture some photos here while wandering around them.

Some natural blow holes are steep down so I don’t go to close to the holes as I don’t like heights hehehe 🤭

The furthest I could reach over to photograph down the hole 😇

I am standing at the far right side where the blow holes start… a view towards all of them with people standing/ sitting around gives you a perspective of the size… the fairy bridges 🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️ revealing large blow holes in the cliff side.

The sea isn’t high enough this day to really make the water come up high… through the blow holes up.

Standing on the largest bridge… I capture the cliff side and views around 😊 how beautiful is this area 🥰

View towards Tullan Strand 🌊🌊🌊 the long sandy beach 😊

Rocks battered by the waves for centuries…

Let me now show you my YouTube video 🎥 I captured views from 4 different points and merged them together.
Switch on the sound 🎶🎶… 😎 as you will hear the FAIRY TROOPS…. The waves crashing up into the blow holes 🌊🌊🌊🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️


Stunning isn’t it, I love the sound of the waves 🌊

I wandered over towards the far left now and look over the blow holes…

I see a face, do you see it too?

2 elongated eyes a big nose and the mouth….

The largest FAIRY BRIDGE seen from the left 😊

Closer by…

Looking into the blow hole 😎

We walk now towards the wishing chair… it is positioned right next to the fairy bridges.
You can read up on it in this sign 🪧

To highlight a part of it for you ;

A man made seat from stone carved out of the nearby O' Flaherty's Stone which lies in the middle of Finner Rath on top of Finner Hill. This (once standing) stone is believed to mark the grave of a local chieftain known as O' Flaithbheartach or O’ Flaherty.
It is thought that the chieftain himself sat in the "wishing chair" to contemplate and survey his area.

This is the wishing chair… 🪑

Walking back to the path we see one more sign about the fairy bridges… telling us about a famous artist who painted this view in 1891.

…and here I say that’s all for today’s post my friends.
Join me next time for more #updates, #adventures, #stories and #photographs 😎👋🏻
Even my own #artworks, once in a while, will come by” 🎨
Thank you so much for looking, and reading.

#ecency banner by @irisworld

Any questions or comments, let me know. Always happy to help.

Have a great Wednesday all 😎
Grtz Jackie

Unless stated otherwise: All art and photos used in my posts are taken, created and owned by me. If you wish to use any of my photographs, please contact me first. As I have used some commercially myself. We don’t want that you or somebody else gets into trouble 😉 So please don’t use them without my consent.

🖼 My PRINTSHOP: for the purchase of all kind of prints in many sizes from my Artworks 🎨 and Photography 📸 Which come on different objects too. Have a look in My Prints Shop!

If you want to see where I traveled to and what I already shared in @pinmapple, have a look at my personal map here: Littlebee4 PINMAPPLE MAP

#ecency image by @irisworld

!pinmapple 54.49048 lat -8.27133 long 🧚🏻‍♀️ “THE FAIRY BRIDGES and TULLAN STRAND along the MAGICAL WILD ATLANTIC WAY” ~ BUNDORAN, County DONEGAL - Ireland 🇮🇪 ~ Wednesday Walk ~ VIDEO INCLUDED 🎥 d3scr

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