Photos from around our Home

Lately I've been at a bit of a loss for things to post about. You know how it goes. It happens to everyone on Hive at some point I'm sure. The feeling of apathy accompanied by anxiety. A fear of not growing your account and earning crypto, contrasting with not wanting to post about nothing, just for the sake of making a post. It's a quality over quantity sort of thing. You get it. But anyway...

I've been collecting photos from around our home for well over a year now. I've been waiting until I have gathered enough to create a worth while post about them, while also trying not to force the issue.

But I think I have enough now so that's what this post will be about - photos from around our home.


A few of these are actually from the exact same location but at different times of the year. They follow along a path we use when walking the dog. We named it the horse path because we saw horses in there at one point. They haven't been there for quite some time now.


The crop changes each season and this time round it was wheat or maybe barley? I don't know for sure but I believe that it's wheat.


Canola is another popular crop that we see often. This one is in the next field over.


Sunflowers are often planted close by as well. The first year they were everywhere but always just a little too far to walk to. We had planned to take pictures of them on several occasions but always failed to make the trip. This fall they were a planted a little closer to our home but in a field that didn't get much sunshine. There weren't as many flowers in the crop as some of the others we've seen. They're looking a little sparse but I still like the photo.


There's a polo club a little ways from our house as well. I watched a match one afternoon with a fellow expat in the area. I don’t know the rules or how the game is played but I do like it when they wack the ball with the club thingy.


The wild poppies come out in late spring in almost every field. This is the same wheat field as the photo above. Unfortunately I think I over edited the photo because the sky is looking a little neon blue.


Moving into the fall. This is the same horse trail from the next road over. The crop has been harvested and is waiting for the winter crop to be planted. The sleepy town is off in the distance.


Heading across the street to another empty field. I just like the three distinct layers of the photograph.


I took the next photo through a car windown while driving. I think the wind farms often look sort of artistic in a way.


The next one is of a horse club or stable close to where we walk the dog. I've never gone in but I think the building is pretty neat from the outside.


They say not to make a mountain out of a mole hill, but those little pests will completely destroy your yard. Unfortunately I don't really know how to get rid of them either. The thing is just slowly taking over the lawn at the moment.


Its a bit out of order but this last one is a picture of the wheat field again but this time closer to harvest. That's all I really have to say about it.

Well that's it for now. Until next time, thanks for stopping by.

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