Finding myself!

Hi everyone, after a long break I am in the hive world! I was busy with my education and some persoal issues. I have given much more time to my family and so one. I have also visited some relatives especially some uncles homes and met my cousins. I forgot about the ecency app which I am using for writing.

It is a human nature if you stop doing something you will forget that after somedays. For me itbis same like that. Another reason is about my engagement is far low here so I Don't get much intetest here! What should I do to improve my writing ability. How can I be regular here to meet some new people!

It is almost midnight here in my himetown and I can't sleep still now. I always see my photos and chat Inn messenger. This is not a good habit. I must stop this. How I am looking in new dress? Please comment me. NownI Will sleep. I will try to write some sentences regularly. It will improve my English.

Thank you everyone. Keep my love.
Have a good day!

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