Caturday at the temple with stray cats.

Whenever I was away in the countryside, I would get a message from some stray cats at the temple in the big city. Suddenly, an image of a cat sitting and waiting for several days was wondering why I didn’t turn up as usual. The cat seemed to keep an internal calendar of feeding time every three days. Whenever I was away, the cat’ stomach would feel strangely empty for almost a week. But they would still get fed by a kind monk who was very fond of these cats. He even took a stray cat to see the wet and get the wound on the cat’s back all stitched up. But he didn’t give these cats some wet food which I used to give younger cats and smaller kittens. I guessed I had spoiled these cats a little. Some cats were so brave and would sniff for wet food in my storage bag. I gave them both small pellets and wet food for good health.




I had persuade a well off friend to come to the temple two weeks ago. She did enjoy feeding these cats as she had adopted three stray cats years ago. That day all the cats were really having a nice party as my friend bought many can food for these cats and offered a twenty kilos cat food to the kind monk as her contribution. I never saw these cats so excited and alerted like that before; they were all turning their heads in all directions trying to pinpoint which bowls they should aim for in a hurry. Some cats are too fast and he vomited all the food. These cats competed against each other in swallowing food as quickly as possible.




I just hope that these cats wouldn’t expect to have a party everyday; I was afraid some would reject the monk’s dry food. Hunger should make these cats appreciate simple cat food! That’s probably why there were so eager to see me as they knew they would get good quality wet food! I was glad to see that some skinny kittens had put on weight with nice fur and bright eyes. I couldn’t help thinking about them whenever I was absent for more than three days as I knew some timid cats wouldn’t have enough food as they were afraid of more aggressive cats.




I was surprised to see that the aggressive cats would stop bashing the smaller ones as soon as I told them off. So, they could understand my language! Smart cats but naughty for threatening other cats. One orange kitten had recently appeared on the scene with very skinny body. She was howling and hissing while eating the food. She was darn malnourished and hungry that she was afraid of other cats taking her food. I thought of how to feed her separately and to fatten her up do that she would become less paranoid about being famished all the time. It just amazed me that some cats could go without food for almost two weeks.




I have started to offer these cats fresh water last month. Only one cat took my offer; Julia actually requested for more water while others had a sniff then walked away. They were used to left over water they could find in the temple’ sinks or kitchen. These cats have become like people to me as I could see their distinct habits and characters. Some cats have started to tank to me with their voices and eyes. I could see their feelings and requests which sent a chill down my spine. It’s like getting in touch with pure feeling inside a cat’s mind. That’s probably why some cats could send me telepathic messages. My cat could tell me that he was killed in the next village which made it possible for me to go straight to the house where I found the man who buried his body.




I could also communicate with cats and dogs with my mind sometimes. This had been very useful whenever I encountered aggressive stray dogs or fierce pit bulls in people’s houses. So far, I could make these dogs listen to me and become at ease with my presence. These were very possessive and defensive guards for their masters. I have no intention of developing the ability of communicating with all animals; my mind would become too burdened with all their sufferings that it would be difficult to be sane. But I wish those hunters of tigers, wild bulls and elephants in our forests could feel the pain and sufferings of these wild creatures. Perhaps these hunters would change their livelihood.


There would be a new building project inside the temple soon. I met a nice engineer who asked me whether it would be possible to remove all the cats from the building site. I told him that cats wound be naturally frightened by loud noises and many busy workers. They would run away to safer places to hide from all the commotions. I hope these cats would be smart and get away from dangerous area quickly too.



Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.

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