Random Moments In Life & Death | Mobile Photography | 2021

Bright Skies After The Rain

I was at the hospital for a short visit last week to accompany a family member when it began to rain really hard for an hour; then this scene came out when I rolled the blinds up. Bright clouds and blue skies; like it didn't rain at all. I didn't edit out the raindrops on the windows still visible on this shot but had to make the clouds come out, together with the trees. I'm still learning how to do this on Snapseed and enjoyed editing and looking at the different options available.


A Rose That Got Tired Of Waiting

Talking about love, Paulo Coelho said:

"A rose enjoys the company of bees, but none appears. The sun asks: 'Aren't you tired of waiting? "Yes", answers the rose, 'but if I close my petals, I will wither and die.'"

This rose seemed to have grown impatient, so it withered and died. Still, it was able to reach a rose's fullest potential and still brings joy even as it has already withered and dried.


Yellow Flowers On Bluish Background

Playing around with the editing options, I grew tired and decided to save this as is. After a while, it seemed to grow on me and I started to like the editing. Don't know if I can replicate this again in future shots; hopefully, I will. I'm starting to enjoy mobile photography. But using my old Samsung phone has its limits. Should I get a new one? If I do, what is a good mid-range phone with the best camera features?


To Conclude

Life can easily be taken away. This happens a lot in hospitals, especially these days with a pandemic in our midst. Life also happens to come around in hospitals. Babies are born and people who are ill get well. It's a big cycle. Much the same way happens in nature. Flowers grow and bloom into beautiful creations of God, then it withers and dies. Same with all of us. We will also go our way when the time comes.

Life is short! Enjoy life. Be happy. Reach your fullest potential. Be thankful for the grace and blessings. Be grateful for life. Shit happens in life but we have the power to bounce back and recover because we have the ability to change and adapt to the environment; because we have the power of choice. So, choose wisely, choose carefully, and choose with love and compassion in your heart.

That's it for now. Thanks for the visit.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!




*I own all the photos used here.

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