Making creative portraits with a projection


Happy Sunday friends, today with a lot of emotion I want to show you this series of photographs that I made, since a long time ago I could say that close to my beginnings I made some photographs with a projector that for the moment I made them of course I loved them, today I see them and I say "No Luna, they are not so uff, they are not cool" hahaha and today I want to share with you and show you the result of a new version of those years, a renovation the truth, well I tell you going into context, since a week ago I had growing a seed called idea in my head to return to take pictures with a projector but I do not have one, I thought and thought about it until I decided and I deigned to start looking for one, I asked each and every one of my friends and no one had or knew anyone who rented one, I was a little resigned but good to persist in the idea of making those photos and one day my mom invited to lunch a friend of hers who were doing a job and well, at lunchtime being at the table I asked her if she had or knew someone and she put me in contact with a colleague of hers and there I was friends, I coordinated with the gentleman and he rented me a projector and so I could pautar then with Gabriela to make these photos, we agreed and we met, the result I do not tell you friends, was the most brutal I've done lately, without lying to you really is among my favorite jobs I've done lately because it was different.

The truth is that I feel very proud of this work and this style of photography friends, maybe for many it is not a big deal and so on but in comparison to those photographs that I did years ago and seeing these photographs reiterates and confirms all the professional growth that I have had over time and that makes me very happy, I remember before when I had to look for things to project and see how it would turn out and now with all the knowledge and experience I have I knew exactly what I wanted to project because I knew how I was going to handle the light and all those details to capture those ideas that were in my head, It really is incredible and I am very very very happy with all the growth I have had and with the result of these photographs of course even more so because I know how my work would look like before I did it and before I was more of an improviser to see what would come out, everything is something that is really amazing and I am very happy with it.

Another curiosity of these photographs is with Gabriela who is the model, she and I are friends for many years, when we started each one in our careers I as a photographer and she as a model and makeup artist was almost at the same time and when we met we made a kind of alliance and more than that friendship, we were growing little by little together working together taking pictures and with clients who wanted the session and makeup, we worked together for a long time and then so to speak everyone went their own way but we were still friends, about 2 years passed in which we did not work together anymore and meeting again for these photos was super cool, I really hope you like it friends, as always I will leave you some before and after developing and editing some pictures, I send you a lot of good virtual vibes and I really hope this inspires you, thanks for watching and reading this post, greetings, take care of yourselves.

Account where I upload my personal content

José Luna

Account where I upload my professional content


Camera used in this session: Canon EOS REBEL T3
Canon Lens: 18-55mm
Editing program: Adobe Photoshop CS6

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