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Saluting the Motorbike Mechanics of Vietnam

Saluting the Motorbike Mechanics of Vietnam

Hey Travel Peeps,

As an avid motorbike rider living in Vietnam, I frequently find myself needing repairs at local mechanic shops. While waiting, I'm always impressed by the talented mechanics troubleshooting issues, covered in oil and grease as they work tirelessly on the never-ending flow of bikes. These behind-the-scenes wizards make transportation possible in this country where millions rely on motorbikes. They deserve appreciation for the essential service they provide.


In Southeast Asia, motorbikes are a way of life, from cities to rural farmland. Cheap and convenient, they're how people get around and make a living and are HELA FUN! But that means they also break down a lot under heavy daily use, like mine does almost montley. Parts wear out, starters die, and oil leaks abound. Without mechanics to fix these constant issues, the country would grind to a halt.


Yet we seldom think about the men behind the magic of keeping Vietnam running. At my local repair shop, the talented mechanic can diagnose a problem just by the sound of the engine. He works with incredible speed and skill, able strip the Hondaa 110 s, and build it back in no time flat.

The shop itself is a marvel, every inch packed with tools and parts. Buckets with oil, shelves of spare tires, and bins of bolts and gears provide the ingredients for repairing basically anything on two wheels. Walls are plastered with even more parts and so is the ceiling.


In the midst of this controlled chaos, the mechanic navigates his domain with expertise. When I arrive with an issue, he ready my google translation patiently while smoking a cigret, performs diagnostic checks, andpulls out some broken parts, tells me price and gets to work. As he works, he seems utterly at ease. ...Hands stained from wrestling with oily engines all day.


Watching him skillfully disassemble, repair, then reassemble my bike is mesmerizing, like seeing a master craftsman at work. I'm awed by his breadth of knowledge about the mechanics under every model of motorbike. Diagnosing problems, intuitively riping parts out, improvising parts - it's remarkable ingenuity. A skill I would like to develop one day.


Without these mechanical wizards, Vietnam's transportation system would collapse. Their work allows people to get to jobs, visit family, transport goods, and simply get around. Yet their labor and expertise is largely invisible unless you have the chance to observe it firsthand while your own bike is under the wrench.


So next time your bike needs fixing, take a moment to appreciate the incredible skill of your motorbike mechanic. Their steady hands keep the country moving, one oily engine repair after another.

Hats off to these mechanical magicians!




The above is the part I needed to have replaced, my starter. It looks like a lightsaber, I think.

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