Rhododendron and Mint

Today, I am going to share some pictures of plants which I clicked at different places. Nature is so interesting if you start taking an interest in it. Every place is different and has uniqueness in it. When you see greenery your mind becomes fresh. So, if anyone is suffering from problems then just go out in a green environment and breathe fresh air. You will feel relaxed and your mind will become calm. Because sometimes the mind also needs a break. When we overestimate the problems our minds feel so heavy so it is necessary to break the chain of unnecessary thoughts and relax ourselves. Anyway, I am going to share some pictures of Mint which I captured at someone's house. The leaves were so clean and big. The mint growth was awesome. The bunches of mint were spread everywhere. Have a look.

The image below is a close shot of Mint. You can see how beautiful and organic these mint leaves look.

Here you can see another bunch of Mint leaves.

Now, I am going to share another flowering plant with you. The name of this flower according to Google search is Rhododendron "Catawbiense Grandiflorum". It is evergreen and around 100cm high shrubs. The flower is bright in colour. I think if you want a dense and flowery side in the garden this flower would be the best choice. The funnel-shaped flowers are pretty good and decent in size. The dark leaves enhance their beauty.

I clicked them in the park because I found them in the park. Most of the flowers were nearly dead. This is a wide-angle shot of this flower. That is how it looks.

This one is the macro shot of this flower. The lighting was not good therefore the image looked slightly blurred.

That is all about today's post I hope you like it. See you soon Insha Allah. Stay positive and stay happy. Have a nice week.

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