Coleus- The Bedding Plant

Hi, today I am going to share some pictures of a bedding plant known as Coleus. They are one of the finest bedding plants available at the garden stores. I found them today in the B&M garden centre. The colours of the leaves are vibrant and bright. There are two different kinds of Coleus available there. One is with a pink centre and one is with the dark maroonish type of shade. They are tender perennials but most often come back annually. Coleus only come back in the warmest regions because they are sensitive to cooler temperatures. They are slow-growing plants so they look best at the borders together with some flowers. They also look so amazing in pots. These colourful leafy plants are so adorable and add additional spice to the garden decoration.

Here, is the picture of the pink one. The colourful pink centre and green outlined border are mesmerizing to see.

The slight close-up of these leaves.

I took these pictures from a different angle in order to get an idea of the bedding of this plant. it would look like this.

Here, is the second type of Coleus The colour belongs to the red family. The edging and the green outline on the leaves also stunned my eyes. The wide-angle look of it.

The zoomed-in picture of this beauty.

The detailed central pic.

Here, you can see the price and combination of both types. If we put both of them in the same area then the glam enhance more.

That is all about today's post. I hope you like it. See you soon Insha Allah. Stay positive and avoid negativity. Have a lovely day.

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