Unspoken Beauty

I had just gone to the roof but stopped there after seeing the flowers blooming in the bright sunshine. Actually I was washing clothes and had gone to the roof to dry them. There were clothes in the bucket and as soon as I saw the flowers blooming on the roof, a wave of joy took over me. A wonderful confluence of colors, forms and fragrance was in front of my eyes and my eyes were dancing on seeing this sight as if I had found my favorite thing.

In Hindi language we call it '12 o'clock' and in English it is called moss rose, although there are many types of this flower but I have this one which you can see in the photos. This small red flower has taken my life. It blooms in such a way as if it wants to send its beauty to the sky and wants to dedicate its existence to the clouds.

Who knows whether flowers have a language or not? If they did, I would definitely want to talk to the flowers and ask them some questions. My questions are childish...like I want to know what you flowers want from us humans?, Do you like us?, and why can't we take energy from the moon when it is said that the moon gets its light from the sun. I will ask childish questions to colorful flowers if nature will allow me.

Now that is enough writing because words cease to exist in front of beauty. Now my words have become handicapped in describing their beauty in words. There is a lot to say but every word is ineffective in showing that special emotion that I am feeling.

Disclaimer: This post is originally written in Hindi and I have used Google Translator to tranlate the Hindi text in English. All the photos have been clicked by me from Canon D77 (55-250mm) and editd in adobe lightroom.

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