Moon From Balcony

There was a full moon the day before yesterday and while coming back home from the swimming pool, I kept looking at the moon all the way. And as soon as I reached home, I picked up the camera and jumped on the balcony so that I could click the photo and then Canon camera told me that the battery is low. All this starts happening at lightning speed, I quickly remove the battery from the camera and leave it in the charger, thinking that in 10 minutes the battery will be fully charged and I will be able to click thousands of photos amazingly and make millions of timelapses.

GIF created on

In 10 minutes the battery was not charged enough for me to live in the dream world. After next 20 minutes, when the battery of the camera gets charged, I load the bullets in the gun and reach the balcony from where the moon has come above the horizon and has also crossed over the Balbhadra mountain.

From the balcony of our house, the moon has risen from the roof of the house opposite and I click the photo while standing near the pots of colorful flowers. I click about 10-15 photos and click each photo in such a way that it seems as if we can see all the faces of the moon. To capture all the faces in photos, I sit down with the camera in my hand. As the height of the camera decreases, the moon starts looking as if it has a shadow due to the shadow of the roof of the house in front.

Repeating the same process, I complete my photography and today after two days, put all the photos in a video making software and make a small video in GIF form which you are seeing on the thumbnail. I edit the remaining photos in Photoshop and when the results are as per my liking, I happily drink cold coffee.

That's all for today, see you in the next post where I will present something else to you. Till then you guys stay healthy and keep smiling.

Disclaimer: This post is originally written in Hindi and I have used Google Translator to tranlate the Hindi text in English. All the photos have been clicked by me from Canon 77D (55-250m) and edited in Lightroom/photoshop.

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