The seeds have sprouted!

After planting the seeds, we were really excited for them to sprout that I have my camera ready everyday to take macro photos of the growth lol. Based on my research, it takes about 4-8 days for zinnia seeds to sprout and a week for tomatoes. Well well well I just saw the sprout quite early for one of them. :D



About three zinnias sprouted after three days of planting the seeds... I really didn't expect this to be this fast. Especially for a flowering plant. I thought tomatoes would be wayyyy faster but I was wrong.


As stupid as it sounds, I was checking them everyday... sometimes even 3x a day lol that's how excited I was. But one day I just woke up and poof they're on the ground when a few hours before I don't see anything.


Awww look at this fella.. You can do it my guy!!!


The next day it looked like this. Here's our MVP!


Although it looks grumpy. Like a newborn getting resurrected into another body being like "come on, not again!".


As someone with no experience growing anything, I was really happy to know we're doing it right. For the seedlings at least. XD We were careful where to put the seedling tray so they don't get direct sunlight and also to protect them from birds who might pick them from the soil. Luckily they didn't... because bitch you living on the roof rent-free, shit on the balcony, and throw some random seeds on the lawn that grow really fast... the bare minimum you could do as birds is to not touch my plants. XD


They look so freaking weird. Like how can you fit all those leaves inside a very tiny seed? Amazing.


5 days after planting, the zinnias already looked like this... all while the peppers were nothing and tomatoes were still tiny haha.



They were going for it like it's some sort of competition. XD


Now let's go check on our tomatoes...


This is how one of them looked like after 3 days. When zinnia already had tiny leaves, this lil guy was still growing the main branch I guess if that's what it's called. I'm really enjoying my macro lens as I can see stuff like this in detail hahah.


And the next day they looked like this. How fast!!! Apparently they grow much faster in the night when they process all the energy they got during the day. Which makes total sense. :D



The very next day, one of them already have leaves. Bruh!! The previous day you were leafless.


Flaunting those tiny hairs!


They look like the spiderman meme.


Why grow normally when you can grow in style???



Seeing them grow everyday was really nice. Especially if you can see them up close like this. I'm excited to see them grow in a bigger pot and soon bear fruits!

All of the photos were shot with Fuji X-T5, Fujinon 80mm macro

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