Macro Mew


Shot with Fuji X-T5, Fujinon XF 80mm macro

I've been wanting to take photos of Mew's eyes for quite some time since the other cats don't like being touched often. Mew doesn't scratch but may protest and run away to escape if he doesn't want to lol.

Since he found a new spot in the window beside my table and the sun was up, I had my chance. There was a direct sunlight so it was even better since I can put my aperture down to have more details.


The problem is, well, he was facing away from me. I couldn't get a nice shot at first.


His whiskers look like it's a tube that's hollow inside. I don't know if it is actually hollow lol but it is surprisingly thick.


Their whiskers are very sensitive but he likes to rub his face on the brush. Like really hard. XD


These soft fur are always on our clothes, towels, faces, everywhere...


Finally some eye shots. I have to hold his face for a few minutes and he obliged. XD He wasn't scared or anything of the long lens being too close to his eyes though.


Look at those details :o


I didn't know their noses look like that. At first glance you'd think that was just wet but the texture is really just how it is.


That sun shine look nice. :D


His eye from the side. It looks like flat on the inside compared to ours. Looks like a flat earth lol.

After a few minutes, he just ran away cos he got bored of what I'm doing. :P

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