A Morning Walk

What do you do when you wake up way too early, like 5.30am on Sunday morning too early.

Well if you are me you grab a Camera, choose a lens, in this case a Fixed 16mm (24mm in full frame land) and walk outside for a stroll.

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The light is okay but not amazing, you will see things you were expecting, like the Rock and Roll bar down the street which you didn't realise was still open at 5.30am, people are rolling out of Ubers, the bouncers looks tired and bored, there are people standing on the street smoking, talking. You wonder about the backpackers upstairs, are there people regretting their choice up there, why on why did we pick a backpackers that is above a bar which is still open at 5.30am in the morning.

I see the lady who sells me my chicken at the market walking to work I wave from the other side of the road.

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I don't shot these people, it too obvious, no one wants that this early, instead I concentrate on the closed restaurants, the skyline of sleeping people in apartments. Empty buildings, offices, student housing.

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The global headquarters of the very successful and the more hopeful

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We are up near the hospitals now, here time is irrelevant, there are people all about, worried families, various people in coloured scrubs, I don't understand the hierarchy, it's like Logan's Run but with life saving jobs instead of ages approaching death.

I need to push back down into the residential zones, back into things I understand, the familiar, it should be having been here for 140 years, the sun rising in the East, starting to really warm the walls, creating the light I need, but I must go home, people will be waking, I need to make them breakfast, they will worry when they wake and I'm not there.

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