I Finally have my drone certificate! dr

I was struggling mentally the last couple of years and finally I found some peace and time to get my drone certificate! Now I feel more free to fly my drone, because since January of 2021 it is mandatory to get your certificate if you want to fly a drone in Europe.

The first one you need to get is the European licence A1/A3, that is for drones from 250 grams up to 900 grams. For drones above 900 grams you need a A2 licence. I have a Mavic 2 pro that weights 907 grams, so i needed both!
Now we need some nice weather and we can go out for a fly!

Here are some images that I took in the past view years. This is a forest near the town of Almere. It's a Museum forest with different landscapes art objects in it! This art forest is "build" in the year 2000! It's build for the people of Almere in remembering of the founding father of this area!

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"Almere Boven", is a hill with a diameter of one hectare and about thirty meters high. A footpath goes up in a spiral shape so that you can admire the city and landscape over the treetops. On top of it, is the memorial stone for the Godfathers of Almere, designed by the artist Gijs Frieling.

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This labyrinth forms a walking route over a dike and is planted with 368 hornbeam trees in the form of the oldest labyrinth shape that was found scratched into The Hollywood Stone dating from 550 BC. The walk to the middle takes just under half an hour. From the center one can walk back or leave the labyrinth. If the canopy is closed, the undergrowth will disappear. In the middle is a work of art by Sajoscha Talirz.

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In Tempo, here a lime tree is planted every year, and for the next hundred years, every year one is planted. Together with the tree, a bottle with a message is always buried underneath it! After this period of one hundred years, the oldest tree is cut down and the bottle opened. A cycle can begin.


The circle forest! This part of the forest is to big for me to get in one frame. I have made a panorama shot of a small part of it by stitching a couple of pictures together! But it was a difficult task to do. Maybe I have to pre-program a flight path so that the whole thing is in frame. I have put up the link in my Pinmapple, you have a good view of the circles from out of space!

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The Green Cathedral of Almere, is an artistic planting of Lombardy poplars that mimics the size and shape of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame from France. The Green Cathedral is 150 meter long and 75 meter wide, and the mature poplar trees are about 30 meter tall and give these nice shadows.

I also took a picture here last winter. The last picture i could take that day because my batteries died out! To bad because i didn't have time to go en shoot the other locations. I really want to have them to in winter conditions!


Here are some other random locations near the forest. This path leads to the forest from the town. These islands reminds you that you are 4 meters below the level of the Ijsselmeer lake that is close by. Also it will remind you that all of this land, that you see in these pictures, is reclaimed from the sea.

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