Blue hour photography at the VW festival!

Night photography is a whole different kind of sport! And at this festival it was worse!
Due to the safety measures, I couldn't bring my tripod on the terrain! I understand that! It could be seen as a big weapon! I think he can hit hard in a fight! So I needed to get the ISO up and get myself a steady hand or find me a steady surface some where!

When dancing in between a crowed, it's pretty hard to get a nice clean shot!
I am not sure how the mobile telephone pictures came out! It was already pretty dark! I uesde F22 because I wanted the whoe area sharp! from the phone to the stage!

ISO 6400 F622 1/25sec

But the reason I wanted to take my camera with me on the terrain was the Ferris wheel! That's always a nice subject to take pictures of! This was made during sunset into blue hour!

ISO 6400 F6,3 1/320 sec

I wanted to make a couple of long exposures of the wheel! But not to long! I wanted to make the light look like spokes in a wheel! So I didn't need a really long exposure!

This was made at 0.6 sec at F18 and iso 100! I took this picture out of my hand with the image stabilization on! But I was not satisfied! the spokes could be more closed up!


This I took at 1,3 seconds and F22 at ISO 100! This is what I was looking for! Also took this out of my hand! There was nothing I could lean against!

ISO 100 F6,3 1.3 sec

ISO 100 F6,3 1 sec

ISO 100 F6,3 1 sec

ISO 100 F6,3 1.3 sec

ISO 100 F6,3 1.3 sec

So many different colors! I could stand there for hours! 😂
But I was not alone and the group was waiting for me!

On the way back to the camping we past the exhibition hall, and one of them has got a nice out doors space! With a beautiful wooden constructed roof!

ISO 6400 FD6,3 1/20 sec

ISO 6400 FD6,3 1/10 sec

I love constructions like this! And the vans underneath it make it complete for me! Than the real size of the construction become visible!

ISO 6400 F6,3 1/20 sec

The sky was still pretty awesome to see! What a magical blue hour it was!

ISO 6400 F6,3 1/80 sec

ISO 6400 FD6,3 1/15 sec

And the last picture was taken the way off the exhibition terrain of the Hanover Mess! the stairs are high, and massively wide! I saw the two people sitting there and thought it would be a nice composition! But so dark there already!

ISO 32000 F6,3 1/320 sec

I just gave a big spin on the ISO wheel on my camera! My friends were getting impatient with me! they wanted to go to the van and drink beer! But I still like the picture! Find it very moody or mystic ore something! What do you think?

Thank you for reading my post! I would really love to hear what you think of it! And if you have some points of improofment please let me know in the comments! I love to learn more!

Here you can find all the pleaces i have been omn my Pinmapple profile!

And if you want to follow my daily life, I often post stories and pictures off all the tings I do in life on my Instagram account!

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