Autumn vibes in the forest of Amerongen the Netherlands!

The first snow this winter has fallen last night! Its already gone now because its above freezing but it did look nice to see the snow falling last night!
And a couple of children were already outside last night for the first snowball fight of the season!
I just stayed inside, I didn't want to get hit by a snowball :p

This autumn wasn't that nice, we had a lot of rain here in the Netherlands, It even was a record amount of rain, so there weren't that many opportunities to take pictures! luckily, last years autumn was pretty good! I spend a lot of time outside and for many days the weather was perfect!

I visited the forest of Amerongen, a town about half an hour drive from my house! Its one of the places in national park Utrechtse heuvelrug! A beautiful forest with a big variety of trees and a long mountain bike trail trough it!


I love it how these path's swirl trough the trees!
The reason that there is a long maintain bike trail here is that this is the highest point of the national park! A whooping 69 meters... So many mountain bikers come here to do on of the view real altitude rides in the Netherlands! The trail is 18,4 kilometers long! I think that is a nice length to spent a couple of hours in the forest!




But you can also walk here pretty good! Endless lanes of trees around the whole area! You can walk 10 to 15 kilometers very easy!




It's so beautiful! Do you want to walk here in autumn? Who wouldnt come here and take pictures like this?
And it's even more magical when it's foggy!




These tree lanes are made in the 18th and 19th century by the wealthy people from the city! They bought these estates to make a getaway for them self's to escape the big city's!
And in those day's, having a tan, could mean that you were a land worker! And the rich didn't want that, so they made these lanes so they could walk in the shade!


Thank you for reading my post! And if you want to see all the places I have ever been to, just click on my Pinmapple profile!

And if you want to follow my daily life, I often post stories and pictures off all the tings I do in life on my Instagram account!

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