Romantic and enchanting Grožnjan, a small town in Istria, Part Two

Well, good morning dear friends in photography, dear Hive friends 🙌📸!
Today follows the second part of the story in photos and words about a romantic town in my beautiful Croatia, Grožnjan. It will seem to you that I am repeating the photos, but I am not. Each one is different in its own way.
So, let's go!

Grožnjan was once an important Venetian fortress in history. in the 20th century, it got a railway 🚂, so the inhabitants turned from the original agriculture to the accelerated development of tourism and trade.

I was also fascinated by the numerous old houses with wonderful arches, which simply call for photography 📸🙌. Therefore, forgive me if I have gone overboard 😳 with the number of photos, I simply cannot discard any of them.

By the way, Grožnjan is located on a hill above the Mirna river valley, which gives a special view of the valley from its walls. Its architectural performance in mystical stone gives a special value to the complete impression.

The area outside the old town of Grožnjan is suitable for various activities such as cycling 🚴 and hiking 🏃🏃‍♀️.

So, this is now all about Grožnjan in black and white technique. All photos 📸 were taken with Olympus E-M10 Mark III and subsequently processed in Retro filter black and white technique in Photoshop.

At the end of the post, my advice is to choose Grožnjan as your tourist destination because of its culture and wonderful events. You will be as fascinated as I am.🙌

Your @goga22

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