My first photography session in Port Harcourt; creating beautiful portraits of Latoya.

Where do I start?

This question has been on my mind since I made my first post here. I read through the comment section and I felt very welcomed however, I am still kind of nervous while I am trying my best to find my way around here. It has taken a few weeks but, I finally got an answer to my question, which is "start here".

I visited Port Harcourt city for the first time last year and it was also the first time I met my boyfriend after dating online for about two years, interesting right? I will tell you more about him soon, just make sure you stay awake with me here 😁. As I said in my introductory post that we met through photography, I have been a big fan of his style of photography and always wished to learn and create amazing photographs in his studio. And yes, it finally happened. I did it and I am so excited to share the first set of images I photographed in his studio.

It was a bright and sunny day when Latoya walked into the studio in a lovely blue dress, simple and beautiful. Latoya was the first female friend I met in PH city, she is a chef and she is the best at serving breakfast(Nigerians will understand that line better 😉). She's a mutual friend of my boyfriend and the other guys in the studio, so it was quite us for us to get along. I told her that I would love to photograph her and she agreed.

Before the photography session, we chatted and I got to know her better. We had a pause in our conversation for her to relax before the shoot. Once she was ready, I took her to the studio area and I began by setting up the lights and backdrops, carefully selecting the perfect settings to capture her beauty.

As I began shooting, I was amazed by how effortlessly she posed in front of the camera. Her natural grace and beauty made it easy for me to capture stunning shots that highlighted her features and personality. After the shoot, I showed her some of the photos I had taken, and she was delighted with the results. She complimented me on my skills and thanked me for making her feel so comfortable during the shoot.

A few days later, I sent her the final edited photos, and she was thrilled with how they turned out. She shared them on her social media accounts and received many compliments on her beauty and the quality of the photos. In the end, I knew I had captured not just the lady's beauty but also her spirit and essence, and that the photos would be cherished for years to come.

Special thanks to my boyfriend for making this happen. I shot in his studio; he assisted me during the shoot and acknowledged the photographs after the post-production. He is such a sweet pain in the as$%.

Latoya wasn't the only person I got to photograph during my visits to Port Harcourt. I was able to befriend most of my boyfriend's friends and got to photograph some as well. As time goes on, I will be sharing those photos as well as sharing the story of how I met this amazing man. I haven't exactly been active here because there's a lot to deal with offline, but I hope to find my rhythm soon enough.

Please share your thoughts about the photos in the comment section, I would love to hear from you.

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