Endless fields of lavender

The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.

- Jean-Jacques Rousseau -



I stood still, right on the edge of the field, eyes closed; this moment was for one of my other senses and my sight would inhibit them. I inhaled deeply and felt the rush of pleasure as the scent intensified. I felt the breeze pick up, it caressed my face and caused the lavender to sway. I imagined it dancing about, pushed and pulled by the invisible breeze, long rows of green and purple stretching away down the sloping field to the horizon and beyond; endless fields of lavender moving this way and that.

I reached out my hands instantly feeling the tall stalks of lavender beneath my touch and enjoying the sensation. I knew my hands would come away fragranced by the flowers and, with eyes still closed, brought my hands to my face to inhale deeply of the scent, then I opened my eyes.

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There was no endless fields of lavender awaiting my vision; there wasn't even a field. My eyes opened to the familiar sight of my back garden and one of my most prized plants, my French Lavender bush.

I've been nurturing my lavender and eagerly awaiting the day I bring it inside. It's not too far away, the stalks must get a little longer and the inflorescence, the flowering head of the lavender plant, must to fill out just a little more. That's when they'll be clipped off and bundled up and hung around my home bringing with them their fragrance.

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Today I spent some time in my garden reading my book surrounded by my plants, something I do as often as possible. I take some moments to visit with my plants, inspect them, talk to them a little, (yes I'm serious), and generally just enjoy their presence and the gifts they provide. I work hard in my garden and enjoy a splendid return because of it and today, running my hands through my lavender and imagining myself standing amidst an endless field of it was a reward worth working towards.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

[All original and proudly AI free.]

Every image in this post is my own.
Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III was used to capture these images.

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