Blue and fragranced

I'm not personally blue, I'd like to make that clear...but sometimes I smell like it...this cologne I mean, BLV by's pretty good, or so my girl-human tells me, and a few others have said the same too. If you were to nuzzle up into my neck you might get a sense of what it smells like on me, but that might be very weird so if you're interested maybe head down to your local store and give it a sniff there.

Anyway, I had some time to kill the other day and decided to see if I could get some decent shots of the bottle of cologne in my light box; what you see in this post is what I managed to get...not great, but good enough to represent in one of my posts I suppose.

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So there you have it...some BLV photography taken within my light box. While I was at it I grabbed a few snaps of one of my other fragrances as well and I think both turned out ok considering my lack of photography skill and decent equipment.

If you've got any comments you know where to leave them.

You might like to mention one of my snaps you like, which one you hate, how I fucked them all up or whatever. If you're a girl, maybe you'll tell me about your favourite fragrance on a man or the one you like on yourself and if you're a fellow...well, you can do the same I guess. Whatever you like I suppose, the comments section is yours to use as you like. Below is for leaving comments and you know I'll get back to you so go ahead if you want to.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

[All original and proudly AI free.]

Every image in this post is my own.
Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III was used to capture these images.

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