The beauty of small flowers with mushrooms is very unique

Hello friends who love photography, on this occasion I want to show you four views of my photography images. This afternoon I was walking behind my house and I wanted to look for interesting objects such as insects that I could capture, but the weather during the day was so hot and hot, there were no visible insects at all. So my attention was attracted to the star fruit flower which looked very sweet with its bright red color, I immediately approached by aiming the perfect cell phone camera.

This star fruit flower not only has a beautiful color, but the star fruit flower also has a very pleasant fragrance.

After that I also looked in another direction and I was also attracted by the beauty of the little liar flower. The color also looks tempting with the pink color looking very unique. The shape and petals of the flowers look cute but provide natural beauty to the grass where they are located. I immediately took the photo by adding an additional lens so that it could be seen more clearly through the macro lens I was using.

You can see the crown that stands out among the beautiful flower petals, indicating that it looks unique and cute, like the shape of the hat that adorns the head. And you can also see the ones that haven't bloomed yet.

I also had the opportunity to photograph spiders but these spiders were very small and I took several photos but the only ones that looked good were the two photos that I had prepared. The shape of the back of the tail looks very beautiful with spots like twinkling lights that decorate the black part.

I also want to show you the beauty of mushrooms and this mushroom I got a few weeks ago when I was exploring. The beauty of this mushroom amazed me when I found it. I felt very happy because I rarely find this type of mushroom. Its very unique shape, like a trumpet, with a plain orange color seems to provide a beauty that is often forgotten in the natural surroundings.

Okay hiver friends, that's a short story that I can share on this occasion. Hopefully hiver friends like it and this photo will be the most beautiful photo when you see it, I hope my post can entertain you all. Thank you very much for the support you provide when visiting my blog. I hope you have a great day until we meet again in the next post.

I took photos with a POCO M4 Pro cellphone and an additional lens. I edit using the Lightroom application and incollage.

NOTE: I wrote it in Indonesian with the help of Google Translate into English.

Photographyfour types
Camera UsedSmartphone
ModelPOCO M4 Pro
LocationAceh, Indonesia

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Best Regards @frizzy97

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