Mad or genius?

“We have given this degree to a madman or a genius, time will tell.”

Those words were said by the director of the University of Barcelona School of Architecture, Elias Rogent, when he presented to Antoni Gaudi his certificate in architecture! I would say that you have to be (at least) a little mad to manifest the kind of genius that Gaudi did.

Ιnnovative, pioneering, definitely a man with vision, he left an indelible mark on the history of architecture and art.

The pictures are from Casa Mila (La Pedrera) in Barcelona. An apartment building so unique that has been declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. From the entrance to the roof every single detail proves that there is no reason for practical not to be absolutely beautiful too!


















The furnished apartment gives a pretty good idea of how people lived there in the early 20th century.








All the pictures and the words are mine.

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