Go with the flow!

When it comes to mainstream social media and selfies and the whole show off culture around it, I tend to be very argumentative. I was even dismissive into taking pictures with a phone. And yet here I am posting a selfie, taken with my new smartphone and inviting you to follow me at my new Instagram account. There is an old Greek saying that goes something like that:

You may eat a big bite but do not speak a big word!

Which, I have to admit, is totally true. Circumstances are changing and so is our attitude towards specific matters. It doesn't necessarily means that we were wrong in the past, it is just the fact that one can deal with a situation with many different ways and some of them are more flexible than some others.


I was making my living as a photographer from 1991 till 2013 and I never felt the need to built an online identity or having any kind of online presence at all. Probably I should had seen the upcoming changes in my profession during the last years I was practicing it and adjust myself accordingly but I was on my way for bigger changes.




I don't want to bore you with the details, most of you already know all about it, so long story short I quit my job and rejected the urban lifestyle to move at a rural area and buried my cameras in a closet that I never opened.



But things have changed (again) and a few weeks ago I applied for a job as a photographer. A part time, online job but still a big milestone for my life. And as I was filling the application, actually as I was NOT filling the social media links and later when I got the rejection note, it was then that it hit me. The reality for photographers nowadays is that if you are not on Instagram, you do not exist!




So my new attitude is go with the flow :)

Selfies have become kind of a trend the last week in hive, @wwwiebe's Photo 52, 2020 Challenge theme is Mid Year Selfie and taking pictures with your phone can be really fun!

I took all the shots of the post this morning, with a Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro which is not the super fancy smartphone ever, but it is the best I ever had and I am pretty happy with it's quality. OK, I am not going to through away my canon but if I see something nice while I am walking I won't hesitate to take a picture with it :)

I almost forgot! You can find me as @orangestudio.gr and follow me on Instagram!


All the pictures and the words are mine.

Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.

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