Photo 52, 2020 Challenge, Week Number 22

Welcome to the Hive Blockchain Photo 52, 2020 Weekly Photography and CreativeCoin Contest! Each week will see a new theme, new photos, and a new weekly champion. The themes for the year have already been pre-determined and can be viewed here:!AhEIx14z2g9DkbcQ_MkBBO3-fNQ5PA

This weeks theme: Mid Year Selfie!


It's not quite week 26, which would really be the mid way point, but it's close, and it's time for a mid-year-selfie to see all the positive changes and how a seeming lifetime of quarantine has helped you for the better! All those New Years Resolutions now get to come into play. 😃


  1. Weekly theme will be open every Wednesday morning and close midnight EST (GMT-5) the following Tuesday.
  2. Weekly participation is not mandatory. Come and go as you please.
  3. Upvotes are not required but are appreciated to increase the prize size.
  4. Resteem is not required but is appreciated to get the word out.
  5. Please use three tags in your entry:
  • PHOTO52
  1. Please also reply to this post with a link to your weekly entry so I can easily find it.

The Weekly champion will receive that week's prize.

Weekly Prize

  • 50% of the liquid reward of this post.

Grand Prize

At the end of the year all 52 winning photographs will be put up in a poll for the community to vote on. The winning photo becomes the 2020 Photo 52 Grand Champion! The Grand Champion prize is the entire liquid Hive in the @photo52 account's holding.

All liquid earnings will be given as prize money by years end.
All staked earnings are used to vote for all entries.

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