Spending the Day with Roger Ballen in the Uncanny (Part 1) - Photographs and Dark Musings


inside out
outside in
welcome to the uncanny
where up is down
and down is not present
but the abject is everything
from a god to a demon
praise my stench
and drink my pus
and read from my flesh
the poem that predicts
the end of the world

Roger Ballen. What can I say more than this name? To those who know it, and his art, it might evoke nightmarish images or it might conjure magical psychological thoughts. One thing about this enigmatic and strange artist is that he never leaves you without questions. There are always more questions than answers. Or more to the point, Roger Ballen is a question. If you have ever seen one of his films or heard some of his spoken words, you know that his demeanour does not fit the abject artworks. He is soft-spoken, kind of shy, in his own world, and very down to earth. But his artwork does not scream this. In fact, most people who see his artwork will think that he himself needs to be institutionalised.

In any case, we were lucky enough to have spent the day with Roger Ballen in his Inside Out art gallery. We did an artist walkabout with the very artist himself, listening to his own thoughts as he meandered and mused alongside his own artwork. If you are into artworks, there is nothing better than walking alongside the artists, listening to them explain what goes on in their minds, how they see the art pieces, and what their own interpretation is thereof. You get, so to speak, into their heads.

In Roger Ballen, or Ballenesque, fashion, I tried to photograph some of his artwork in strange lighting, and strange angles and therefore created some of my own art from his art. (I did this with express permission from the artist himself.) What came from this experience was some of the most "intense" photographs I have taken. It made me feel uncomfortable, it made me think, it made me wonder and question.

I don't think I have to warn you, but if you are not familiar with Roger Ballen, please just Google him before you proceed. This post (and PART TWO) will contain images and photographs that might upset you. This is obviously the purpose of these artworks. They make you think, question, and wonder, and they make you angry, mad, and confused. AGAIN, this is a kind of warning, this post and the next one will contain upsetting images. Please proceed with caution.

While listening to Roger Ballen, and while taking photographs of his work, I questioned myself, my own "viewing" and taking pleasure in the suffering, the cruelty of humanity. I questioned my own role in the disastrous nature of humanity and our "easy" lives, resting on the pain of so many others. Maybe this post will also make you think about these things. Maybe you will see yourself in the dark images, like a strange mirror, maybe you will think about the abject for a moment.

The poem that I started this post with is very dark and might not be everyone's "cup of tea". But you clicked on a photography post with the name "Roger Ballen" in the title! Jokes aside, I hope that these photographs, alongside my poem, will "shock" you, bring you toward the "abject", and help you think about things you do not often think about. Maybe in the future, I will write more in-depth posts about the interpretations of these artworks. I think they need it. This is merely a photography post, art for the sake of looking, and not necessarily introspection. In the future, I will buy some wine, think about these artworks, and write something about their philosophical nature.

This has been a very long introduction, and a warning, to the abject, the uncanny, the strange, the enigmatic, the weird, the violent, and the uncomfortable world of Roger Ballen through my camera lens. I hope you "enjoy" it, where this enjoyment entails visual pleasure gained from the abject. Please let me know in the comments how these works made you feel. I am sorry in advance if this post makes you feel uncomfortable...

(This is a last warning. Some of these images might be unsettling, upsetting, violent, strange, weird, uncomforting...)

Spending the Day with Roger Ballen in the Uncanny (Part 1)














Postscritpum, Roger Ballen...

The man himself. In conversation. I cannot add anything to what I already said above.


I hope that this post made you uncomfortable. I hope you felt weird, strange, unsettled.

There will be a part two... Which might be even stranger. Or so I hope.

In any case, I hope that you are well, maybe watch something cute after this.

For now, happy photographing, stay well.

All of the photographs are my own, taken with my Nikon D300 and Nikkor 50mm lens. I received permission to take these photographs from the artist and the gallery. All of the musings and the poetry are also my own, albeit inspired by the uncanny thoughts of Roger Ballen.

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