Children's colorful world


Hello to all friends.
My photos today are about a cute little girl who is an upcoming artist.
Of course, I wish happiness for all the children in the world.
Sorry, maybe I'm not very good at writing and explaining. But yesterday I realized that writing is necessary and useful for the future of the hive community.
I live in a small town and the photos and videos I took did not receive much encouragement from others, which means I felt that the value of my work was not understood.
After joining Kondo, everything changed.
I'm not really looking for money here and being motivated and encouraged here is valuable and enough for me.
Because I was new here and didn't even know where the rules were written, I had a series of mistakes, just like the children I photographed, I didn't have enough experience, but that's the nature of human beings, they learn and move. does and continues.
Now I know better how to strive for the growth and development of society.
We are all a family and of course we should be more artists.
I apologize that the article that I felt necessary to write had little to do with my photos.
Thanks to the photography lovers community officials for giving me this opportunity again.
let's move on. Let's go to the Today's first-hand photos :

πŸ‘†πŸ‘‡One of the tricks that can be done without creating variety in the customer's photo is to change the colors from the hue section in Photoshop, just make sure that the color change does not change the skin color of the subject's face and hands. You can make changes for the part you specify by selecting.
I changed the yellow color of the child's clothes

The lights behind the window are artificial lights that we tried to replace the sun that was not there at night.
We also used a 100x70 softbox for subject lighting.
Be friendly with the child in photographing the child, don't let him feel shy, joke with him, if the child is dry and bad-mannered, ask his companions like father and mother to talk to him and make him laugh.

Photographer => @farideh.shahedi
Blockchain is like writing a text with a pen, it can never be changed or deleted, so write carefully.
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