Discover Pinar del Río through my lens: Discover the hidden details of my town

Hello photography lovers, this weekend I was a bit bored and tired of the weekday routine, so I decided to take a walk around my city, but not before equipping myself with my camera in case something interesting appeared in front of my lens. I walked through familiar streets, streets I walk every day, but this time I decided to look differently, to look for the little details that I miss on a daily basis; the colours of the buildings, the passers-by, the hidden details in the corners; anything that could catch my attention. Here are some of the snapshots I took. I hope you like them.

Hola amantes de la fotografía, este fin de semana estaba algo aburrido y cansado de la rutina de la semana, así que decidí salir a caminar por mi ciudad, no sin antes equiparme con la cámara por si algo interesante aparecía frente a mi lente. Caminé por calles familiares, calles que recorro con cierta cotidianidad, pero esta vez me dispuse a tener una mirada diferente, a buscar eso pequeños detalles que me pierdo en el día a día; Los colores de los edificios, los transeúntes, los detalles ocultos en las esquinas; todo lo que pudiera captar mi atención. Aquí les dejo algunas de las instantáneas que capture. Espero que las fotografías sean de su agrado.


My original photograph, taken with my Nikon D70
| ISO 400 | 22mm | f8.0 | 1/500s |
My original photograph, taken with my Nikon D70
| ISO 320 | 22mm | f8.0 | 1/500s |
My original photograph, taken with my Nikon D70
| ISO 320 | 55mm | f7.1 | 1/640s |
My original photograph, taken with my Nikon D70
| ISO 200 | 29mm | f7.1 | 1/125s |
My original photograph, taken with my Nikon D70
| ISO 200 | 32mm | f7.1 | 1/50s |
My original photograph, taken with my Nikon D70
| ISO 400 | 32mm | f7.1 | 1/640s |
My original photograph, taken with my Nikon D70
| ISO 320 | 32mm | f8.0 | 1/500s |
My original photograph, taken with my Nikon D70
| ISO 250 | 27mm | f8.0 | 1/320s |

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