Nature On Photos

First I wanted to name my post *Photographs of a photography exhibition, which might have looked funny, but that's what's happened. I've been to a photo exhibition recently and took some photos :) Then I changed my mind. But regardless of the title, come with me as it's going to be a lot of fun and if you're into photography, maybe you can learn something too.

You may ask what is it there to see, at a photo exhibition. For me, these events are always a learning opportunity. I'm observing what the photographer focused on, watching compositions, framing, lines, light, angles and so on.

Even though I love photo exhibitions for the reasons I mentioned above, it's always a stress as most of the times reflection makes it impossible to take photos. So when I stepped in the exhibition room and saw the photos are not shiny and not under glass, I thought that was my lucky day.


Humans Are Small


With Humility

It's a simple scene, yet says a lot. Most of us would walk past such a scene, without recognizing what it could mean. I guess you need a good eye for details to see and recognize such beauty.



I love untouched snow, especially when the light is contributing to a perfect scene, but you can only capture such beautiful scenes outside the city, where there's no traffic, no one is walking there.


Snow Waves

Just as wind can make waves in the sand, it happens the same with snow.


I remember once I gave someone a birthday gift, a photo like this, with a good quote by Albert Einstein and I think it was the best motivational gift I've ever given to someone.



Bright Ridge

This is a wonderful photo, but a bit scary. It signals sunset and you don't want to be caught up there when the night comes. It could also be a big, dark cloud, but I don't think so.


I'm not sure how to translate the title, so I'm going to try to describe it to you. A couple of centuries ago, communities had the elders, who acted like a council, made decisions. I suppose this is still a thing in some countries.


Sly Photo Model

What are the chances of a fox sitting still for your camera?


Autumn Farewell


The Eccentric

I love this. It's not only the composition, but the colors as well. It's perfect in my opinion.


Congregation Of Hawthorn Berries

Funny title for a photo, isn't it? But the photo is perfect. The light, the colors, the framing. Just perfect.


Road To Hell

I think we have all thought we are walking this road at some point in our life. I'm not sure if those clouds mean a heavy storm, but the photo is lovely. Very expressive.


Good Morning

Well, whoever wakes up to such a view in the morning, is a lucky person. I know a place where you can have this view and I'm planning to go back and stay there for a few days, take a ton of photos.


Spied On

Take a close look. Can you see what you have to see? I hope so? This is another excellent one.


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