Most Amazing Graphics I've Seen

The other day I mentioned that I visited two exhibition in one day. One was paintings and the exhibition was a graphics exhibition and can honestly say, it was the most amazing I've ever seen for several reasons.

When I entered the exhibition room, all I knew was the name of the artist, who I've never heard of before and that I'm going to see graphics. Some of the exhibitions have a poster with a short bio of the artist, which helps a lot as you don't have to Google the artist, instead you can learn details of key importance at the venue. I deliberately did not read the bio first, to no influence my experience in any way, so instead I just went in and enjoyed the exhibits.

The artist's name is Tamás Vass, who lived between 1942 and 1988. Passing at such a young age can be considered tragic without knowing the circumstances and after reading the artist's bio, I became really sad. He died due to a tragic accident that happened in his studio. His death was caused by internal bleeding. His art will remain forever and I consider myself really lucky to have had the occasion to see these extraordinary artworks, take photos to have them forever on my hard drive.


Self-Portrait With Autobiographical Elements

This was the first graphics I saw and knew right away I'm going to spend a lot of time looking at these beauties. Graphics are not everyone's cup of tea and some of you might find black and white boring, but what you're going to see is exceptional. With the risk of sounding like a broken record, my biggest enemy made my life a living hell again, but I will never give up and always try to find an angle to take a somewhat decent photo. All the artworks had a glass cover 😭

So back to the artwork, look at how detailed it is and how many small bodies there are in the upper left corner of the graphics. You certainly need an exceptional imagination to create something like this and this was not the only such artwork.


The Lonely - 1981

I admit, I had to have a good look at it to see why it is called The Lonely. It can get confusing due to so many bodies, that catches the eye instantly, but if you look at it carefully, you'll spot the lonely.


I had to take some close-up photos for you to see the amazing details these artworks hide, and all this done with just a pencil or ink, by drawing lines.



The Last Thread

If I were to use one word to characterize what I see, that would be details. There was no way to take close up photos about this, so try to zoom in to see the hands and the small bodies.


Dance Of Death - 1987/1988

Talking about an artist who passed away 36 years ago, you can imagine most of the artworks are not in his possession. These beauties were made available by private collectors and this is why this exhibition was an extraordinary occasion. Once the exhibition is over, you will never see these beauties, so I'm thankful for the owners for doing this. It's highly appreciated. This is not an unusual practice if you are wondering. I've seen this at other exhibitions as well.


The Winner - 1986


I was thinking if it would be possible to buy one of these lovely graphics, most likely I would spend a day or two, looking at every little detail .


This was one of the most complex one with a very deep meaning. The title of it is the winner and this is kind of how things happen in life. In order to win, you have to climb up and face all kinds of obstacles. You're not alone in the race, there are others too and on the way to victory, you have to race them.

As I said earlier, I know this is not everyone's cup of tea, but would love to see how many of you like these graphics.



And these are the failures, at the bottom. I think if I could have one, this would be the one. Would motivate me a lot.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:


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