Inventions Or Art?

A week ago I posted about an amazing exhibition I visited last week. I always say every exhibition is special and I truly mean is, but this was something you rarely see. If you missed my previous post, here's the link. Make sure you check it out as I bet you've never seen such art. Or is it more like inventions? I'll let you decide as I can't. I think it's both. Oh, by the way, this was a solo exhibition by Levente Kiss, a very talented sculptor.


Mobile I.

It was not just the name, the sculpture was mobile indeed. The wheels were turning indeed. I was standing there, looking at this interesting creature, trying to decide if it's a four legged animal, or just a strange, bu interesting creation. The gear wheel was rotating the what would be the head of the four legged animal, so it looked somewhat real.




I wish I could explain how this was working, but my English is not good enough for that. So I'll let you put your brain to works and try to figure it out.



This is a German word for carousel or merry-go-round. The artwork is not quite like what you know as carousel or merry-go-round from fairs and amusement parks, but it has the same function. What was the purpose of this one? I have no idea. Part of it looks like a tricycle, but the first wheel is positioned to go round, so riding it would only get you back to where you started.



Spatial Form

The minute I saw this one, knew I've seen it before and could also name the gallery where the exhibition was held. I was even able to remember the spot where this peace was standing. I remember I wrote in my post, that I was sure thing thing was rotating, but back hen it wasn't connected to electricity.


This time it was and I could check if my theory back then was right. I can confirm, it was. Basically one wheel is rotating the other. Simple, but interesting.


Mobile II.

As I mentioned in my previous post, these pieces were exhibited as artworks, but the mechanism used to put them in motion, was once a marvelous invention, used to operate machines. Today we have more sophisticated engines, digitally operated, but these rudimentary machines were the ancestors of what we have today.

Levente Kiss brought these old machines back to life and raised them to an artistic level.


Mobile III.

Looking at this piece, I could imagine owning it, if it would be smaller. I loved how the top part was moving, along with the wheels.


Holy Mountain

To be honest, for some reason this piece reminded me of ancient Egypt. Don't ask me why. The upper part contributed to it heavily. It has no connection with my thoughts, but if you look at it carefully, you can see it's the silhouette of a person. Maybe it's St. Mary holding her baby? Or I'm just imagining it? Let me know if you have the same thoughts.


This piece had no title, but it's pretty self explanatory in my opinion, and funny too. It's a bicycle but the pedals are a bit different. It looks like the one wheeled bicycle is walking by itself, using those feet with boots. And if I want to be precise, this can't even call it a bicycle as it has only one wheel. S how do you call it? Monocycle? Onewheel?

Have you ever seen such artworks or machines? Let me know in a comment. Also, I'm really curious to see which one is your favorite. If you have one at all.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:


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