Freesax -Portrait Photography- [ENG/ESP]


Hello Hive!
I'm back with more photos. This time, I bring you a photoshoot for my brother-in-law's social networks. This is Freesax.

¡Hola Hive!
Estoy de vuelta con más fotos. Esta vez, os traigo una sesión de fotos para las redes sociales y el negocio de mi cuñado. Esto es Freesax.


My brother-in-law asked me if I was open to do a photoshoot with him and his saxophone, and I can't say no to a proposition like that.
It was my first photoshoot with a saxophonist/musician. We tried our best to make nice-looking photos, and here are the results:

Mi cuñado me preguntó si estaba dispuesto a hacer una sesión de fotos con él y su saxofón, y no puedo decir que no a una propuesta así.
Fue mi primera sesión de fotos con un saxofonista/músico. Nos esforzamos al máximo para hacer fotos bonitas, y aquí están los resultados:




"Freesax" is the name of his social networks and music business: It's an acronym for Freeman, his name; and saxophone, his instrument.
My sister and my girlfriend were my assistants that day, and they did a good job bouncing light and keeping Freeman's outfit in check.

"Freesax" es el nombre de sus redes sociales y su negocio musical: Es un acrónimo de Freeman, su nombre; y saxofón, su instrumento.
Mi hermana y mi novia fueron mis ayudantes ese día, e hicieron un buen trabajo rebotando la luz y manteniendo el atuendo de Freeman en orden.



He changed for a more "casual/informal" outfit: a blue jean jacket and black jeans. The blue contrasted very well with the colors in the streets and with his sax.

Freeman is part of the famous Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela, the biggest and most important orchestra in the country, and He's been on multiple tours around the world.

Se cambió por un atuendo más "casual/informal": una chaqueta de jean azul y jeans negros. El azul contrastaba muy bien con los colores de la calle y con su saxo.

Freeman forma parte de la famosa Orquesta Sinfónica Simón Bolívar de Venezuela, la más grande e importante del país, y ha realizado múltiples giras por todo el mundo.





I told him to make a shot with his card and his instrument because I thought it was a good idea, and he loved the photo.
The last one is a behind the scenes I took while he was playing to my sister.

Le dije que hiciera una foto con su tarjeta y su instrumento porque me pareció una buena idea, y le encantó la foto.
La última es un detrás de escena que tomé mientras tocaba para mi hermana.




This is all for today's post!

If you want to hear Freeman play. you can follow him on Instagram: @freesax_ or

If you have any feedback, feel free to comment.

See you in the next post!

Esto es todo para el post de hoy.

Si quieres escuchar a Freeman tocar, puedes seguirlo en Instagram: @freesax_ o

Si tienes algún feedback, no dudes en comentarlo.

¡Nos vemos en el próximo post!


You can always choose to be kind!

Hi, I'm Ender Louis, professional photographer since 2016, editor with skills in Lightroom and Photoshop, retoucher, and curious by nature.

Music fanatic, passionate about what I do, and with the vision to be a better version of myself every day.

Creator of Ender Louis and Figuras Anónimas, working every day to get closer to my goals and achieve my objectives.

I hope I can teach you something and learn something from you, so feel free to comment. Learning is a permanent process.



All photos taken by me. All models are over 18 years old.
All collages/headers were edited in Adobe Photoshop.

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