The standard ESP/ENG

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Hello hivers! This is Franklin and Joselin, he studied in the same high school that I attended when I was in this stage. The service of photography is closely linked to keeping some of the memories of the portrayed people that are usually linked to ceremonies or stages of the body that lead, in many cases, to a point of no return in the life of the people portrayed.

Hola hivers! Ellos son Franklin y Joselin, él estudió en el mismo liceo (secundaria) al que yo asistí cuando cursaba esta etapa. El servicio de fotografía está muy ligado a guardar algunas de las memorias de los retratados que suelen estar ligadas a ceremonias o estadios del cuerpo que conllevan, en muchos casos, a un punto de no retorno en la vida de las personas retratadas.

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This has made me reflect a lot on several occasions since I have not only portrayed the wedding, pregnancy or 15 years of mere strangers but it has also happened to me with close and moderately close people.

Esto me ha hecho reflexionar mucho en varias ocasiones ya que no solamente he retradado la boda, embarazo o 15 años de meros desconocidos sino que también me ha ocurrido con personas cercanas y medianamente cercanas.

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I see many people cross thresholds that represent, for them and their environment, a different version of themselves, which does not mean that they are different, but that they are people of integrity and continue to grow, like everyone else.

Veo a muchas personas cruzar umbrales que representan, para ellos y su entorno, una versión diferente de ellos mismos que no significa que sean diferentes, sino que dan fe de que son personas íntegras y siguen creciendo, como todos.

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Photographer: Diego Aquiles

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