After the Rain...

I grew up hearing the story of Noah and the great flood and how God put the rainbow 🌈 as a sign that he wouldn't destroy the world with water again...

Everytime it rained, I would come out for 2 reasons...

  1. To smell the fresh always seemed like the rain usually purified the air everytime it fell...
  1. To look for the rainbow... In case God has decided to destroy the world with water again...(not really)

Anyways, it rained today and after the rain, I stepped out, but alas, it was already dark, so I decided to make use of the lights around...


This is what the sky looked like after the rain.

It wasn't completely dark, so I was able to get some of the colours of the cloud.

I was taught in physics that water travels in oath of least resistance...

So I began to look for areas that had less kinetic and more potential energy for water...

I am referring to areas where water can collect ...

At first, I didn't realize that water pools could give such beautiful pictures...

I was further discouraged by the fact that it had become dark...

But I tried anyway...

And I came up with these...

I enjoyed the way the water reflected the light from the lamp...

I want to say it's golden...

But then I found other pools...


This one made the road seem like a lush gathering of shrubs..



You know what I love about this one?

The oncoming vehicle light...

It made it seem like a scifi movie...

I feel I should say something witty here at the end...

But considering that I may have just bored you with my afterrain pictures...

I will probably do what the rainbow did today... Take a raincheck...

All pictures were taken by me on my Tecno Spark 7 phone.

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