Searching for beauty within the storm

Photography is therapy for most every photographer I've ever known. It allows us to fully immerse ourselves in the quiet solitude of a moment that seems to exist just for us. We absorb with every sense the beauty that surrounds us; the sights, sounds, smells; we are fully present. Alive. Breathing. Flourishing.

It might seem counterintuitive that a storm photographer like myself might find peace in the midst of storms. Where air masses collide and atmospheric chaos erupts, this is my calm. The blowing winds tussle with my hair, the electrically charged atmosphere raises the hair on my neck, droplets of rain caress my skin; I can breathe again. The weight of the world seems to lift effortlessly from my shoulders.
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There are so many parallels between storm chasing and life; as a storm photographer, my job, my entire purpose is to find the beauty and light within storms. These are often incredibly challenging scenes to photograph because they are generally moody and dark, ominous and foreboding; there isn't always much light to be found.

But I am constantly searching for it. I frequently reposition myself around rapidly-moving, sometimes dangerous storms, searching for the best possible angle to best capture their true beauty. It isn't as simple as driving up to a storm and firing off a few clicks of the shutter and driving away.

It's getting to know that storm from every angle, exploring its many shapes and facets and colors and textures, watching how it morphs and evolves and changes shape as it moves, watching how the light filters through the clouds at just the right moment for the perfect image.. and being perfectly placed to capture it.

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Sometimes, when chasing storms, I have to drive through heavy downpouring rain and large hail, and the visibility drops to nearly zero as screaming winds threaten to push my car off of the road. I push myself through moments of fear and uncertainty to keep going. I can't see a way out of this storm, and I'm not sure when it will end. But I do know that if I keep moving, I will make it through to the other side.

And on the other side is beauty.

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Those moments when I feel the storm might consume me, I have to remind myself that this is temporary. When the thunder roars and lightning crashes all around me, I allow myself to let control of what I want to happen in this moment, let go of any fear and doubt and uncertainty, and just be present. Exist within the storm, feel its breath, its movement, and let its energy fuel and recharge me.


Storm chasing has been a constant for the last 10+ years of my life, and every storm chase I return home from teaches me something about myself. It empowers me by showing me what I am capable of overcoming. It reveals to me my own inner strength, and teaches me that fear can only control me if I allow it to.

When life feels most oppressive and painful, when it feels like I will never get through this storm, when I'm moving forward blindly and desperately searching for the light that I know must be waiting for me, I come back to these moments in front of storms, and remember the lessons they've taught me.

Always search for beauty. No matter how dark things seem, there is beauty to be found. Find stillness in the chaos. Let the storm heal and rejuvenate you. Let it breathe life into your soul.

You will find the light again. Jess

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