Story of my pet

I hope you are having a good day hive community. Today I will tell you how I met my pet, an Amazon parrot.

I have always been attracted to birds as pets, but I have never liked clipping their wings. Many people cut off their wings so that they cannot fly or simply lock them in a cage all their lives. Of the 20 years that I have been alive, I have had four parrots and you can say that there are many, but the truth is that I have had three of them for a very short time because I have not clipped the wings of any of them, if I have had out of his cage, so they left because they decided so, we gave them a bad life, but if they enjoyed being more with their kind, he was going to allow them.

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I thought that I was not going to have another parrot, but one day an Amazon parrot arrived at my neighbors house, it had approached to ask for food, they offered him a banana and he ate it all, when they put a wand on him he climbed up and after this they kept him in a small cage. That same day my neighbors gave it to me and told me to take care of it, I gladly accepted it. The first thing I did was put it in a bigger cage so it wouldn't be uncomfortable, I also put seeds, fruit and water in it. The first few days he was very aggressive with me, so I was still not going to let him go, even knowing that this parrot did not belong to the state where he lives and did not know how to look for food on his own. So that he would have confidence in me, every day he spoke to him in his cage and also placed some seeds in my hand so that he could eat them. When I noticed that he was confident I took him out of his cage in a room, and he began to walk, he let himself be stroked a little, but he hated that he tried to pick him up.

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After two months, I thought it was necessary to get him out of his cage but that he was in nature, he climbed on my shoulder and I was like a kind of pirate haha. But unlike the other parrots I had, he did not want to leave my side, currently he is one of the family and has been with us for more than three years, his name is Robert and he is a very possessive parrot as if he were a toxic girlfriend. He will try to hate anyone approaching me, but with me he is sweet and tender, he already lets himself be lifted by me, and I like to walk with him on my shoulder while I walk around the farm. I also think he ran away from his old house because he hates seeing a broom or a mop, he probably got roughed up, but he's actually safe with me.

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